My neuronal circuits are efficient. Are yours?

Has anyone read The Secret? Or heard about it?

Even though I thought it was a cheesy book, the concept made sense and I felt that the law of attraction was something I have instinctively known my whole life. As I read the book I kept saying, "So? Tell me something I don't know."

Personally, I prefer the scientific description from the book My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey by Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D. Her description mentions nothing about the law of attraction, but sounds eerily similar in concept.

"As biological creatures, we are profoundly powerful people. Because our neural networks are made up of neurons communicating with other neurons in circuits, their behavior becomes quite predictable. The more conscious attention we pay to any particular circuit, or the more time we spend thinking specific thoughts, the more impetus those circuits or thought patterns have to run again with minimal external stimulation.

"In addition, our minds are highly sophisticated "seek and ye shall find" instruments. We are designed to focus in on whatever we are looking for. If I seek red in the world then I will find it everywhere. Perhaps just a little in the beginning, but the longer I stay focused on looking for red, then before you know it, I will see red everywhere."

-- My Stroke of Insight: A Brain Scientist's Personal Journey, Jill Bolte Taylor, Ph.D.

Liz Salmi

Liz Salmi is Communications & Patient Initiatives Director for OpenNotes at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Over the last 15 years Liz has been: a research subject; an advisor in patient stakeholder groups; a leader in “patient engagement” research initiatives; and an innovator, educator and investigator in national educational and research projects. Today her work focuses on involving patients and care partners in the co-design of research and research dissemination. It is rumored Liz was the drummer in a punk rock band.

Photos: My brain as of May 21, 2009


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